So Now What?

By: leelefever on December 12, 2006 - 5:32pm

We may be home, but we've got a few more weeks to go on TwinF.  Our plan is to stop blogging on the site within a month.  From then on, it will continue to be available online for many years. So, we have about a month to get out everything we want to say about the trip. 

If you'll hang around here for another month or so, we'll be posting some best-of lists, a year in review, more pictures, a couple of videos and some things we wrote but never posted. It should be a fun way to end up. 

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By: robincapper on December 12, 2006 - 10:44pm

One thing I wondered, after being away for a year is home what it was?

What I mean is did you notice changes, neighbourhood etc, that perhaps you wouldn't have if living there as they "evolved"?

Regards, Robin Capper.

By: leelefever on December 13, 2006 - 7:08am

Hey Robin - great to hear from you.  We're still getting used to being home so I'm sure more will become apparent.  As for our immediate vicinity, I would say things devolved more than evolved.  Sachi's brother Mark did us a huge favor by living in our house and taking care of the dog.  He is a busy guy and wasn't all that focused on taking care of plants.  So this spring will be a time for us to start over on the green things around us.  

In the US in general, I would say that it seems that many more hotels, cafes, etc. that have wi-fi. That is the evolution I like to see!